Pay-per-Click Management

When a prospective customer searches for a specific product or service that you provide, we work with you to get that prospect to come to your online store AND purchase your product or service. With our Custom Marketing Packages, we apply high level strategies to increase effectiveness at all stages of the marketing and sales process. Many businesses make the mistake of launching their own PPC campaign without proper knowledge and direction resulting in a large bill and no product sales to show for it. With our Google Certified Adwords specialist, Atla can effectively manage your PPC campaign and ensure a return on your investment.


  • Certified Professionals - We have a Google Adwords Certified specialist working with you to develop a PPC strategy that fits your budget.
  • Keyword Research - We determine what keywords are most effective to promote your product and service.
  • Landing Page Optimization - We help you design and develop an effective landing page to increase customer conversion rates.
  • Create and Manage Multiple Campaigns - Unlike our competitors, we create multiple ad campaigns to reach a larger customer base and to target the most effective market so you get more bang for your buck.
  • Campaign Audits - Frequent audits to make sure PPC campaigns are effective and reaching the right customer base.